уроку – комбінований
Тема “Our precious planet ”
1. Сформувати вміння діалогічного та монологічного мовлення,
комунікативні здібності учнів.
2. Вдосконалювати артикуляційну навичку на основі слів зі
звуками [tS], [h].
3. Сформувати
репродуктивну лексичну навичку (water pollution, deforestation, water shortage, acid rain).
4. Вдосконалити репродуктивну лексичну навичку на основі
лексичних одиниць з теми “Our precious planet”.
розширювати лінгвістичний кругозір учнів.
Розвиваюча: розвивати комунікативні здібності дітей.
Виховна: виховувати
почуття турботливого ставлення до навколишнього середовища.
Обладання: : картки, посібник “ Enterprise 2”
(Elementary level), аудіозапис, роздатковий матеріал.
План-схема уроку:
І. Початок уроку
Організація класу 1хв.
Мовленнєва та
фонетична зарядка 5хв.
ІІ. Основна частина уроку
Тренування в
Ознайомлення з
новими лексичними одиницями
Практика в
ІІІ. Кінець уроку
Пояснення Д/З 2хв.
підсумків уроку 1хв.
Етап, мета,
прийом, режим
Хід уроку
Етап І. Початок уроку
1.Вітання, організація класу
Мета: повідомлення
цілей уроку
Прийом: розповідь
Режим: T < Cl
2.Мовленнєва зарядка
Мета:вдосконалення репродуктивної
лексичної навички
Прийом: розповідь, бесіда
Режим: T < Р1, T < Р2…..
3.Фонечична зарядка
артикуляційної навички
Прийом:імітація за вчителем
Режим: T<Cl, T < Р1…
Етап ІІ. Основна частина
4.Тренування в спілкуванні
Мета: вдосконалення
репродуктивної лексичної навички
Прийом: відповіді на
Режим: T < Cl,T<P1, T<P 2
5.Ознайомлення новими
лексичними одиницями
Мета: формування
репродуктивної лексичної навички
А)демонстрація ЛО
Прийом: розповідь
< Cl
Б)семантизація ЛО
Мета: розкриття
значення ЛО
Прийом: використання
ілюстративної наочності
Режим: T < Cl
В)перевірка розуміння
Мета: впевнитися чи
учні зрозуміли ЛО
Прийом: використання
Режим: T < Cl
Г)фонетична обробка
Мета: навчити
вимовляти ЛО
Режим: T < Р1, Р2….
Д)автоматизація на фразовому рівні
Мета: навчити учнів
вживати ЛО
Прийом: виконання
некомунікативних вправ
Режим: T < Р1, Р2…
Е)автоматизація на понадфразовому рівні
Мета: навчити учнів
вживати нові ЛО з раніше вивченими
Прийом: виконання
умовно-мовленнєвих вправ та мовних вправ
Режим: Р1, Р2….
6.Практика в спілкуванні
Мета: розвинути вміння
монологічного та діалогічного мовлення, розвинути вміння аудіювання
Прийом: слухання
фонозапису тексту, виконання умово-мовленнєвих вправ та мовних вправ
Режим: T < СІ,T < Р1, Р2……, Р1-Р2
Етап 3. Кінець уроку
7.Повідомлення Д/З
8.Підведення підсумків
T.: Good morning, children!
I’m glad to see you today! How are you? Who is on duty today? Who is absent?
Is anybody absent? Thank you. So let’s start our lesson! Today we are going
to talk about nature and environmental problems, also we will read the text
about water pollution.
T.: Read this quotation “The greatness of a nation and
its moral progress can be judged by the way animals are treated” (Mahatma
Gandhi). You know, children, that many animals are extinct today. They are included
into the Red Book. There are a lot of animal idioms in English. Read the
following sentences and try to explain the idioms:
I felt like a fish out of water during
my first term at university.
He is such an eager beaver he even
works at the weekends.
3. I think we
should just let sleeping dogs lie, or things could get worse.
4. Peter let
the cat out of the bag even though I begged him not to say anything.
5. He
is a wolf in sheep’s clothing although he looks harmless.
6. I’m sure
Jaen wasn’t really upset; those were just crocodile tears.
Peter has done most of the work, so he should get
the lion’s share of the money.(умовно-мовленнєві)
So now, listen to me
attentively and then repeat after me:
[tS] – [h]
cheese – his
cherry – heavy
chain – hair
chuckle – hard
And now, it’s your turn
Irene, Kate….
T.: Now, children let’s remember what environmental
problem you know. You have to make the so called “Mind Map”.
T.: Now, my dear boys and
girls, look at the blackboard. Here are some words that are connected with our
today’s topic.
So at the first picture you see the problem of the environment as water pollution. Do you like swimming
in the sea or drinking a cool glass of water on a hot day? These simple
pleasures may soon become a thing of the past. Factories are polluting our
rivers and lakes with dangerous chemicals. Tons of industrial and domestic
waste are poured into our rivers.
At the second picture you see one of the major problem of the environment as deforestation. Deforestation is the cutting
down and removal of all or most of the trees in a forested area. As s result,
birds and animals lose their homes and die. Deforestation is also bringing
about changes in the climate and air pollution.
At the third picture you see such problem as water shortage. Shortage means a lack
of smth, for example water. Yet there are terrible water shortages all over
the world, especially in parts of Africa and China.
At the fourth picture you can see very serious
problem as acid rain. Acid rain is
the rain with chemicals from factories. Air pollution causes acid rain which
kills trees and plants.
Write down new words into your vocabularies:
water pollution – забруднення води
deforestation – вирубування лісів
water shortage– нестача води
acid rain – кислотний дощ
T: And now children complete the sentence, please:
…. – is the
pollution of water in our lakes and rivers.
Air pollution
causes … which kills trees and plants.
3. … .is the cutting down and removal of all or
most of the trees in a forested area.
Yet there are
terrible …. all over the world, in parts of Africa and China.
The …
pollution we are facing today may cause damage to the planet.(репродуктивна,не комунікативна
T: It was really interesting. And now it’s time to
remember these words. I will read you these words and then you will read
these words after me all together, so listen attentively
water pollution,
water shortages,
acid rain (рецептивна,некомунікативн)
T.: Now fill in the words from the list, then make
sentences using the completed phrases.
Pollution, shortage, acid, deforestation, species, rare, logging, car
1. ............................plants;
2. endengered...................;
3. air.................................;
4. acid...............................;
5. car.................................;
6. water.............................;
7. .....................companies;
8. …in tropical rainforests; (рецептивна,умовно-комунікативна)
T.: a)Look at
the picture A and answer the questions. What is the girl doing? What other
things do we use water for in our daily lives?
b) Look at picture B and answer the questions. Is
the water clean? Who/ What do you think is polluting it?
c) From the list below, tick the three most
important things we can do to save our planet’s water supplies, then make the
sentences as in the example.(продуктивна,умовно-комунікативна)
e. g . We can
save the water from our baths and use it for the garden.
1. pass laws to stop factories from polluting and
wasting water
2. recycle water
3. stop factories from pouring chemicals into lakes
and rivers
4. repair leaking pipes.
T.: Listen to the article
and circle the correct answer for items 1 to 4.
Then answer the questions: what is the problem
discussed? Which paragraphs include the writer’s suggestions? What are these
suggestions? What results/ examples does the writer use to support his
suggestions? рецептивна,умовно-комунікативна)
Work in pairs: make up the dialog using the
information from the text(three replicas each).(продуктивна,комунікативна)
“Water, water everywhere….”
1. Imagine
a world with no drinking water, and no water to wash or cook with. It's hard
to imagine this, because we use water every day without even thinking about
it. Yet there are terrible water shortages all over the world. In parts of
Africa and China, for example, many people don't even have clean water to
drink. In fact, over half of the people in the world have to live with water
shortages every day. We all need water — not just for our homes and
factories, but to survive. Fortunately, there are things that we can all do
to save water.
The solution begins at home. We can save
the water from our baths and use it for the garden, instead of wasting
hundreds of litres of clean water on our lawns and plants. This would help to
save many litres of water everyday, especially in the summer.
Governments can help by passing laws to
stop factories from wasting and polluting water. If factories recycled water
and stopped pouring chemicals into our lakes and rivers, there would be a lot
more clean water around.
Governments could also stop water companies
from wasting millions of litres of water because of leaking pipes. Many cities have
successfully saved water by repairing pipes.
All in all, there are many things we can
do to save our planet's disappearing water supplies. The time has come to
start understanding the value of water, before a world without clean water
becomes a terrible reality.
The writer says that in many parts of the world people ...
don't have water at all.
don't have any clean water.
have too much water.
The writer suggests that we should ...
use more water at home.
stop using water at home.
stop using so much water at home.
There would be more clean water around if factories ...
produced more water.
used the same water several times.
only used water from rivers and lakes.
Water companies can help ...
by fixing pipes.
by giving us more water.
by making people pay a lot more.
T: And with that we are coming up to the end of our
lesson. At home you should read the article carefully and be ready to retell
the article for the next lesson. Remember, next time we will have a contest
for the best teller. The winner will get a nice prize! All of you got good
marks, they are……. . Irene and
Kate, you were very active today.
That’s all for today. Bye. See you tomorrow.
1. Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley “Enterprise 2,
Elementary level (Coursebook/ Workbook)” Express publishing 2008.
2. Журнал «Англійська мова та література» № 9(127) березень
3. Програми для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів
«Іноземні мови 2-12 класи» Міністерство Освіти і Науки України. Київ «Ірпінь»
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